Update from the Community Committee (Local and World):
- Dictionaries for Schools: Students in Pius, St Josephs, Glenn Innes and Glen Taylor Primary Schools have recently received their dpictorial dictionaries at a special presentation. For some students this is the first book they can truely call their own.
- Hospice Garage Sales: Club members continue to support these - an easy hands on opportunity
- The Great Kiwi ANZAC Day Breakfast: Planning for the 2012 ANZAC Day breakfasts event continues. Look at http://www.thegreatkiwianzacdaybreakfast.co.nz/
- Habitat for Humanity: Another hands on building dau is being organised for early 2012
- Varayame: This ROMAC project initiated and supported by the club has been an huge success - see earlier Blog Posting
- Zambia: a USD250,000 project between Rotary and Child Fund where the funding has been approved and in-process of being made available so the work in Zambia can commence. The vast amount of work by members Gary Key and Gary Lord is acknowledged
- Samoa Water Project: this joint water project with the Rotary Club of Auckland Harbourside has now been completed and the project report is due out shortly
- Group Study Exchange (medical focus with Alaska - District project): Club has offered to host the inbound team for part of their stay in March 2012 and has submitted a application to the GSE Outbound committee for an excellent candidate who the committee has recently interviewed.
- Ambassadorial Scholar: Wesley Johnston is with the club and the club has flagged its interest in hosting again next year, possibly also looking for a suitable outbound candidate from the local community.
- Emergency Response Kits (& ShelterBox): the club will continue to support this project. ShelterBox will be on display at the clubs stand at the St Heliers Festival in early 2012.
- Trees for Survival: This continues but a new club champion is needed. The growing unit is at Glendowie Primary.
- Fundraising activities are varied but include Rotary art calendars, the delicious Christmas Puddings and Entertainment Books