Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Up and coming in March

Coming up are:

Garden Party -11 March
A social event of the year at President Bruce's mansion (well, nice house and great gardens).

GlenTaylor School Trip - 21 March
Since 1993 the club has supported an (almost) annual day trip to Rangitoto Island for year 8 and 9 (11 and 12 y.o) from Glen Taylor Primary.  In the early days this involved transporting them on member boats but the health and safety regulations of today's world mean this is now longer possible so they go via Fullers Ferries.  The next trip is 21 March and club members  are needed to ensure the appropriate student to adult ratio (including teachers) is achieved.  The trip is tied into the school curriculum and the theme this year is "Understanding your environment".  A New Generations project.

St Heliers Festival - 31 March
As a community project the club will display a Emergency Response Kit at the St Heliers Festival - hopefully the community will contribute some funds to purchase a Kit or three to help replace those used in the  recent floods in Fiji.  This is also a chance for the community to speak to club members and as appropriate come find out more about the club and membership.

Past events include club members attending the South Pacific Presidents Elect Training Seminar last weekend (President Elect Miles and Assistant Governor Colin) plus Beryl was presenting.  Of interest, out of this Colin and Beryl were instrumental in the start of a project for the Pacific Islands around research and prevention of rheumatic heart disease among children - this is early days yet and in the proposal stage but already has the support of some essential key players in NZ and the Pacific.