Monday, 16 April 2012

Supporting Group Study Exchange to Alaska - a maternal medicine focussed group

Group Study Exchange is a vocationally based exchange of young professionals between two countries.  This year the exchange is between  District 9920, New Zealand and District 5010 Alaska USA and Yukon Canada .  The team is made up of maternal and child health professionals. A member of our club, Paul, is on the organising committee.

The team from Alaska talked to the club last week and a summary of their talk is in the bulletin click here

To see what the outbound team is doing in Alaska go to: 

The RC St Johns has sponsored one of the outbound team members - Laura Barkwill (Clinical Psychologist)  who will visit the club after her return.

For more information about GSE and the team click here

GSE is the only Rotary programme that Rotarians or their families cannot apply for - in all other cases involvement by Rotary families is encouraged.  The team is lead by a Rotarian.