Sunday, 20 May 2012

Learning to make a difference

There are many opportunities for personal development etc in Rotary and the annual district Leaders Elect Training Seminar (open to all Rotarians) training provides some of these ...

Nearest to farthest: John, Peter, Mary Ann, Slavica and Brenda plus Beryl in row behind John.
Seven members went along to the district's Leaders Elect Training Seminar on 20 May to learn more about Rotary and how they could be more involved in the success of the club, and how they could gain more from their Rotary membership.  Three of our members were also specialist breakout session presenters - John about PR and Sergeants, Colin about websites and social media and Beryl about Rotary Down Under.

10% of the members of the district attended to hear information they could put into practice in the Rotary year ahead in a way that would strengthen their clubs and grow their involvement in their community. Throughout the day there were takeaway quotes like:

  • Service is the rent we pay for being a member of our community
  • Setting goals for yourself is a necessary part of achievement
  • Take Rotary seriously - not ourselves
  • Look for the opportunity in the problem, not the problem in the opportunity

In addition to the broad training topics provided, guest speakers included:
  • An overview and insight to good PR - once people know what Rotary does ... they join us: the story is that good!
  • Event planning - it's not about you, it is about them
  • Cure Kids and the upcoming Rheumatic Heart Disease project in the Pacific