Monday, 16 May 2011

Hawai'i from the inside

Speaker - 12 May 2011:  Ambassadorial Scholar Megan Kirkpatrick, who is being hosted by the Remuera club gave us a unique view of her home State and made us realise there is much more to it than the main islands and Honolulu! There are in fact 8 main islands and 132 others who became part of the USA in 1959.  The main actvites are tourism, military educaton and agriculture. Megan is from Kaua'i where there is an area in the north which has 12m/annum of rain and is the wetest place on the planet! Megan went to school on Oahu studying the Environment, heard about the scholarship from a friend and came to Auckland because UoA is a good school for the Environment. She is studying for a Masters in Environmental Science based on Tiri Tiri Matangi research on plant seeding survival.