Since its Charter in September 1989, the club has achieved a huge amount. In the 2010-2011 Rotary year (starting 1 July 2010) some of the highlights to date have been:
- Wesley Johnston from Texas as the second Ambassadorial the club has hosted in the last two years arrived.
- Solene from France is of course our current International Youth Exchange student being hosted by the club amd member families.
- The inaugural golf tournament for the Brian Gibbes Memorial Gold Scholarship was an outstanding success and the first scholarship will be awarded at the second tournament scheduled for October 2011.
- A hugely successful Rotary Youth Driver Awareness course was held at Glendowie College - over 110 student took part
- Four students from Selwyn College were sponsored onto the 2011 Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment weekend, learning leadership skills and making many new friends.
- Socials have been highlights as well with pizza nights, concerts, and more recently the day trip to Tiri Tiri Matangi.