Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Quiz brings out the friendship and ... competitiveness

The annual Rotary Quiz  is always an excuse for a good laugh and the 'clash' between the Rotary Clubs of St Johns and Auckland East was the very finest example.  Typically St John put up its finest - a team of our younger members being Team Leader Anil, Fiona (dressed as a fairy to bring on the spells) and our Ambassadorial Scholar Wesley. 

It was clear they had been weel briefed on the 15 minute preparation rule that applies to all St Johns Rotary teams but held their own in the first Rotary question round against the formidable experience of the much more mature Auckland East Rotary team.  After the draw of the first quesytion round the second did not fare quite so well but the courage and daring of Fiona in attempting a couple of questions that did not quite pay off was applauded. Throughout the audience participated fully with appropriate cheers, jeers, cat-calls and estatic applause ... at times.

A fun meeting yet again!

Other highlights were the comparison of the Rotary Calendar vs the delicious Rotary Christmas Puddings - both are very good personal and corporate gifts with the bonus of supporting the community at the same time.  For both you can contact Christie or email   The 2012 Calendars are $10 and the puddings $20.