Sunday, 22 January 2012

Seems to be all about muffins this week

It certainly seemed as if everyone was happy to be back at Rotary for our first meeting of the new year. There was much hilarity and banter between tables, with the muffins in huge demand/ Liane only managed to pilfer six before they were commandeered by Patrick and hastily consumed by the hungry men folk. Makes you wonder—don’t their wives feed them when they’re on holiday??? The floor was opened for a general free for all on holiday adventures... President Bruce reported having a marvellous time at the Muppets movie after getting off to a shaky start when travel plans to Christchurch were disrupted by the earthquake. He’s also sporting a new look (see photo above) which he boasts saves 5 mins in the bathroom every .  Alex and Wendy spent time in the Catlins, with the highlight being naturally, the wildlife, but also the New Years Eve Annual Hoe Down- highly recommended as an event not to be missed it wood seem! 

Mary Ann gave a first hand account of Captain Andy’s sailing adventures and a second hand account of Gary’s debilitating case(s) of sea sickness. [ As at 23 Jan Andy is at Picton]. We’ll get the full un-abridged account when Andy returns. Predictably Patrick spent large amount of time on his bike and just as predictably the cycling holiday involved much wine tasting in the glorious Hawkes Bay. David is recommending a visit to Pureora Forest off Highway 30 for the beautifully preserved native forest which features bike trails through stands of Matai, Rimu and Totara. Steele, Anil and Wesley (bottom right picture) were suspiciously subdued despite a bottle of wine being seen at their table! Is that even allowed at a Rotary Breakfast Meeting?