Monday, 2 July 2012

The Italian Affair

What a great evening we had to celebrate this year’s changeover.  Members and partners enthusiastically entered into the spirit of the theme and a wide spectrum of Italian culture was represented.  The mafia attempted to control the evening but alas, the clergy prevailed and had them mend their ways.  

A number attempted to conceal their identity behind masks but fooled no-one. Yet others donned the colours of the flag looking very Italian. A few dapper Italian Gentlemen were in attendance and raised the dress standard considerably!! 

The evening’s stand out’s were the Gondoliers. Two crews competed, but one (who won best dressed award) were unfortunately left up the canal without a paddle!!  The formal part of the evening included the departing  address from President Bruce with a presentation to each of the outgoing officers  with thanks for their work and dedication throughout the year.

The increase in membership during the year was recognized and again, congratulations to Beryl Robinson for her outstanding efforts to bring this about.  President Bruce was presented with the customary cartoon caricature.