Thursday, 19 July 2012

Learning new skills

One of the advantages of Rotary membership is the opportunity for personal development.  Colin and Beryl attended the recent Visioning facilitator training which had been available for all Rotarians to take part in.  There were 23 attendees from 4 districts for a days training (and great networking).  "Visioning" is explained below.

Taking part in a mock project priority assessment exercise

A strong and effective Rotary Club is vital to retaining and attracting quality members. Vision Facilitation (or "Visioning") is about strategic planning for Rotary Clubs. Something few Clubs do effectively! The Rotary International Club Leadership Plan recommends every Club develop a long-range strategic plan. It's about continuity and consistency of leadership and programming. A strategic plan sets the stage for future progress.
Visioning helps a Rotary club design its own VISION, and then set out the steps necessary to achieve that vision. The result is not a vision decided by the Rotary District or by Rotary International. It is a vision designed and endorsed by the Club's own members.

Visioning is not just another membership programme. It addresses all aspects of the life of a Rotary club. It is not a program just for struggling Rotary clubs. It is a programme which can benefit any club. 
Specifically, Visioning gets club members to focus on:
  • Continuity of leadership, vision and process
  • Consistency in programming
  • Consensus toward solidarity and unanimity in purpose and action
The outcomes from the Visioning must follow normal club protocols for ratification and implementation.

Visioning is the "where do we want to go"  and Rotary Leadership Instituite is the "knowledge need to get there"